Tiles mistri in rangunia

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tiles mistri in rangunia
tiles mistri in rangunia

                                                                 আমাদের সেবা

#TilesMistry প্রয়োজন ❓যদি কাজটি নিখুঁত হয়!

তাও কম মজুরি!!

আমাদের কাছ থেকে পাইকারি বা কম বাজার মূল্যে কিনুন: ব্র্যান্ডেড টাইলস যেমন RK, AK বা Greatwall। (ক্যাটালগ দেখুন এবং ডিজাইন নির্বাচন করুন)

আপনার কাজ বা উপাদান, টাইলস, মার্বেল, গ্রানাইটের সঠিক মূল্যের বিনামূল্যে উদ্ধৃতি পেতে আজই কল/ইনবক্স করুন।

#আপনার স্বপ্নের বাড়িটি দেখা যাচ্ছে: টাইলস পাওয়া যাচ্ছে না। তাই নিখুঁত ফিনিশিং এর জন্য দক্ষ রাজমিস্ত্রি এবং উপযুক্ত আধুনিক ডিজাইন সহ ভাল মানের টাইলস প্রয়োজন।

কাজের আকারের উপর নির্ভর করে মজুরি আলোচনা সাপেক্ষে।

টাইলস/মারবেল/মোজাইক ফিটিং- (প্রতি ফুট মজুরি)

# ফ্লোর_টাইলস = 12.50_রুপি

#wall_tiles=13.00 টাকা

#Scalding_Tiles_Running_Fit = Rs.11.00

#সিঁড়ি_টাইলস_ফিটিং = 17.00 টাকা

#সিঁড়ি_স্ক্যাল্ডিং_ফিটিং_রানিং_ফিট = 15.00 টাকা

#wall_tiles_out = 50 টাকা


#মারবেল_ফ্লোর ফিনিশিং = 40.00 টাকা

#মার্বেল_ফ্লোর_ফিনিশিং_বাদ = 55.00 টাকা

#মারবেল_স্ক্যাল্ডিং_ফিটিংস_রানিং_ফিট = 30.00 টাকা

#বেসিন_স্ল্যাব_ফিটিং = 800.00 টাকা

# রান্নাঘরের_স্ল্যাব_ফিটিংস = 55.00 টাকা

#মার্বেল_মোল্ডিং_সিঙ্গেল_রানিং_ফিট = 40.00 টাকা

# মার্বেল_মোল্ডিং_ডাবল_রানিং_ফিট = 80.00 টাকা

#মারবেল_সিঁড়ি_ফিটিং = 60.00 টাকা

#গ্রানাইট_ফিটিং = ৩৫.০০ টাকা

#মোজাইক ফিটিংস = ৩৫.০০ টাকা

#চলমান_গ্লাস_ফিটিং = 7.00 টাকা

# স্কয়ার_স্ল্যাব = 5.00 টাকা

#পার্কিং_টাইলস = 14 টাকা

# গ্লাস_ব্লক = ৩৫.০০ টাকা

#বা_কাস্টিং = 3.00_রুপি

বিদেশী - চীন, মালয়েশিয়া, ইতালি, তুরস্ক বা স্পেন। দেশি-▪️RAK▪️DBL▪️AKIJ▪️MIR▪️Fu-Wang▪️China-Bangla (CBC)▪️গ্রেট ওয়াল কিনুন।

টাইলের প্রতিটি আকারের বিভিন্ন ডিজাইন কোড এবং গ্রেড অনুযায়ী দামের তারতম্য রয়েছে।

✅ আরএকে টাইলসের বাজার মূল্য-

সিরামিক ওয়াল টাইলস (8”x12”) = Rs.42-45

সিরামিক ওয়াল টাইলস (10”x13”) = Rs.55-63

সিরামিক ওয়াল টাইলস (12"x18") = 58-64 টাকা

সিরামিক ওয়াল টাইলস (12”x20”) = Rs.61-67

সিরামিক ওয়াল টাইলস (12"x24") = 77-85 টাকা

সমজাতীয় ফ্লোর টাইলস (12”x12) = Rs.59-71

সমজাতীয় ফ্লোর টাইলস (16”x1) = Rs.67-86

মেঝে টাইলস (24"x24") = 90-130 টাকা

✅ গ্রেট ওয়াল টাইলসের বাজার মূল্য-

সিরামিক ওয়াল টাইলস (8”x12”) = Rs.37-41

সিরামিক ওয়াল টাইলস (10"x16") = 48-53 টাকা

সিরামিক ওয়াল টাইলস (12”x20”) = 60-68 টাকা

মেঝে টাইলস (12”x12”) = Rs.54-60

মেঝে টাইলস (16”x16”) = Rs.64-69

✅ চায়না টাইলসের বাজার মূল্য:

মেঝের টাইলস-

#একজাত_মিরর_পলিশ (24"x24") = 110-115 টাকা

#Homogeneous_Crystal_Mirror Polish (24"x24") = 115-125

#Homogeneous_Crystal (24"x24") = Rs.130-150

#ফোর্সলাইন (24"x24") = 135-160 টাকা

#সিরামিক_(24"x24") = 100-110 টাকা

# গ্রাম্য = 200-280 টাকা

আয়না (ওয়াল/বাথরুম/রান্নাঘর) টাইলস = 150-190 টাকা

সিরামিক (ওয়াল/বাথরুম/রান্নাঘর) টাইলস = 280-300

গ্রাম্য (স্পেন) টাইলস = 280-600 টাকা

✅ ফুটপাথ টাইলসের বাজার মূল্য:

নিচের টাইলস (12”x12”) = Rs.980-1180

পেভার টাইলস (8"/9.2"x4"/3.2"x2"/1") = 200-460

আর্কিটেকচারাল ওয়াল টাইলস (8”/9.5”x2.5”/2.75”x0.65”/0.65”) = 175-350 টাকা

স্থাপত্য ছাদ/সিলিং টাইলস = 280-2000 টাকা

✅ পার্কিং টাইলস (12"x12") পুরুত্ব 3/4 = 30 টাকা।

✅ মার্বেলের বাজার মূল্য:

ভারতীয় সাধারণ = টাকা 400-550/বর্গফুট

ভারতীয় ভারী = রুপি 650-800/বর্গফুট

ইতালি = টাকা 450-900/বর্গফুট,

নরওয়ে = Rs.750-950/sq.ft

তুর্কি = 800-1050 টাকা/বর্গফুট।

পাকিস্তান = টাকা 1500-1750/বর্গফুট

✅ গ্রানাইটের বাজার মূল্য:

ভারতীয় সাধারণ = 600-750 Tk/sq.ft.

ভারতীয় ভারী = 1050-1350 Tk/sq.ft

চীন = 900-1050 Tk/sq.ft.

ইতালি = টাকা 950-1250/বর্গফুট,

নরওয়ে = টাকা 1550-1750/বর্গফুট।

মোজাইক শস্যের বাজার মূল্য:

ভারতীয় = 550-800 টাকা/ব্যাগ,

পাকিস্তান = 850-1300 টাকা/ব্যাগ,


#টাইলস আঠালো = 320-650 টাকা/25 কেজি ব্যাগ

# সাদা সিমেন্ট = 900-1000 টাকা/ব্যাগ

#পুডিং = ৬০-১৫০ টাকা/কেজি,

# সিরিজের কাগজ = 30-45 টাকা/পিস,

#Vixol/ফ্লোর ক্লিনার = 70-210 টাকা/পিসি

✅ প্রকার:

✅ রাজমিস্ত্রি/প্রযুক্তিবিদ/শ্রমিকদের বিশাল প্ল্যাটফর্ম

✅ দক্ষ এবং যাচাইকৃত সেবা প্রদানকারী

✅ সার্ভিস ওয়ারেন্টি

✅ 24/7 গ্রাহক সহায়তা

✅ মিস্ত্রী এক কলে হাজির

✅ কোন লুকানো চার্জ নেই

মজুরিও কম

✅ কাজের A থেকে Z পণ্য হোম ডেলিভারি

আরও জানুন:

* বিনামূল্যে উদ্ধৃতি / অনুমান জন্য ইনবক্স.

☎️ হটলাইন - 01715020835

* ভিজিট করুন - www.tilesmistri.com

tiles mistri in rangunia
tiles mistri in rangunia

Tile is an artificial flooring material which is used as a substitute material of marble or white cementing. Tile manufacturing is a totally machine process and production is made from factory.

Tile is a covering material which is done after cement flooring. In modern days, tile is very much popular because it increases the internal beauty of your room and it is very much economical & the labour cost is also low.

About floor tiles:

Are you looking for the best floor tiles design and tiles mistri in rangunia? Following a long day, do you want to enjoy a peaceful time yourself at your home? ▪️RAK▪️DBL▪️AKIJ▪️MIR▪️Fu-Wang▪️China-Bangla (CBC)▪️Great Wall Ceramics offers the best floor tiles price and tiles mistri in rangunia to have an incredible look of your entire house floor. 

A quiet evening may be created with nice decor. And everyone wants a roomy living room with tasteful, relaxing décor. However, choosing floor tiles for your house necessitates making an appropriate color choice that considers the decor, atmosphere, and durability.

In this section, we've shared some of the best floor tiles design and tiles mistri in rangunia at the reasonable price for your bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, dining room and living room.

Tiles Design for Your Dream Home

Discover a treasure trove of stunning floor tiles design options that will transform your home into a captivating sanctuary. From sleek and modern to timeless and traditional, our curated collection offers a diverse range of styles, colors, and patterns to suit every aesthetic preference. Elevate your living spaces with the finest floor tile designs that reflect your unique personality and create an ambiance of elegance and beauty.

Best Floor Tiles Design and tiles mistri in rangunia for Bedroom

There are many different wall and floor tiles design for your bedroom. The following tiles would work well on the walls and flooring of your bedroom:


Are you looking for the most attractive wall tiles design and tiles mistri in rangunia at the best price? Then you are at the right place. In this article, we have accumulated the top 10 attractive wall tiles in rangunia. But before moving to there, let's have a look on all the wall tiles design offered by DBL Ceramics.

Wall Tiles Design in Bangladesh at The Best Price

▪️RAK▪️DBL▪️AKIJ▪️MIR▪️Fu-Wang▪️China-Bangla (CBC)▪️Great Wall Ceramics offers the best wall tiles price in rangunia with a huge collection of design that helps you to establish your dream home. Let's explore most attractive wall tiles design of (▪️RAK▪️DBL▪️AKIJ▪️MIR▪️Fu-Wang▪️China-Bangla CB)▪️Great Wall Ceramics in rangunia

Which Are the Best Wall Tiles for Attractive Wall Decor?

With the help of skilled human resources and advanced technology, the ceramic industry in Bangladesh has been thriving for the last few decades. The manufacturers fulfill around 85% of the local demand in our own country. 

So, if you are renovating your home or building it from scratch, you can rely on the high-quality tiles of local companies. The variety of detailed tiles designs, beautiful modern textured or 3d printed, and cost-effective tiles for wall décor made in our country will enhance the beauty of any household.

Keeping in mind the weather of rangunia and the demand for decorating styles in our country, ceramic, stone, mosaic, floral, ornamental, glass, or granite tiles are the preferable ones as Tiles for walls décor.


There is something exceptional about having a gorgeous bathroom. Imagine entering a gorgeous bathroom after a long busy day! Isn't it blissful? Indeed. And, the suitable bathroom wall tiles make a bathroom gorgeous.

The eye-catching bathroom wall tiles design can make all the difference to the bathroom look. So, have you decided to renovate your bathroom to give it the "wow factor"? You have taken a good step indeed.

Updating the bathroom can be a fun project. It can really make a massive difference in your day-to-day life. You can create a relaxing and attractive space with the finest and trendy bathroom tiles on the walls.

But, which tiles are the finest? Of course, those are the ones that look gorgeous, durable, and easy to care for. The best tiles for bathroom walls will add charm to your bathroom. In a word, make your "alone time" more pleasurable.

(▪️RAK▪️DBL▪️AKIJ▪️MIR▪️Fu-Wang▪️China-Bangla CB)▪️Great WallBathroom Tiles Design and tiles mistri in rangunia.

(▪️RAK▪️DBL▪️AKIJ▪️MIR▪️Fu-Wang▪️China-Bangla CB)▪️Great WallCeramics offers the best bathroom tiles price in rangunia. Let's explore all the bathroom tiles design available in (▪️RAK▪️DBL▪️AKIJ▪️MIR▪️Fu-Wang▪️China-Bangla CB)▪️Great WallTiles Showroom. 

Buying Bathroom Tiles at The Best Price in rangunia

Finding the finest ones is overwhelming, no doubt. There are so many types of bathroom tiles, different in sizes, and styles to make you confused. In a bathroom project, you'll find plenty of restrictions because bathroom wall tiles have to deal with a lot of water.

Also, there is a need to clean it deeply to get rid of bacteria, germs, and other unpleasant buildups. However, that feeling is indescribable when you end up getting suitable tiles for your bathroom.

Therefore, we are here to make you stress-free about getting the bathroom tiles. We have assembled a complete guide on the tile for bathroom walls. So you can understand which wall tiles for a bathroom you should pick.

This guide will help you understand which tiles look elegant, practical, and durable. Practical bathroom tiles are the ones that can deal with a lot of water and steam. Also, you can easily deep clean them. Here is the list of most attractive bathroom wall tiles design and tiles mistri in rangunia offered by DBL Ceramics

Consideration for Buying Bathroom Tiles at The Best Price in rangunia

The bathroom tile on walls plays an essential role in the bathroom's interior and look. Certainly, tiles create the desired ambiance in your bathroom. However, selecting the tiles for the bathroom wall is a huge deal.


We excel in offering a wide range of Parking Tile. This is admired for the optimum quality, excellent finish and designer appearance. Designed with utmost care, this is acclaimed for the high functional efficiency, easy maintenance and maximum durability.

We excel in offering a wide range of Parking Tile. This is admired for the optimum quality, excellent finish and designer appearance. Designed with utmost care, this is acclaimed for the high functional efficiency, easy maintenance and maximum durability.

We provide a wide range of parking tiles as heavy duty parking tiles.

Stairs are a part of everyday living in a multi-story home or building. So, why don’t we spend some time beautifying this essential part of our home? Creative and unique stairs tiles designs for homes may effectively make stairs seem beautiful while also improving their functionality. In case you’re still undecided about the sort of stair tile to select, here are your options stairs tiles designs for your home.

In terms of refinement and class, there is no better colour to be seen than black. As a result, it is among the most suitable stairs tiles designs for home. Stairs lined with sleek granite tiles provide an elegant touch for a modern look. A stylish, industrial effect is achieved with this technique at a little cost.

Decorate the stair riser with mosaic tiles that are unique and eye-catching. When laying modern tiles for stairs, it is not always necessary to pay close attention to the stair treads. Creating a striking style statement begins with the stair risers, which are equally significant. Selecting mosaic tiles with vibrant colours and intricate patterns for stair risers will give your steps a Mediterranean feel, and it will also save you money. This quickly pulls your stairway into sharp focus.


Stairs are a part of everyday living in a multi-story home or building. So, why don’t we spend some time beautifying this essential part of our home? Creative and unique stairs tiles designs for homes may effectively make stairs seem beautiful while also improving their functionality. In case you’re still undecided about the sort of stair tile to select, here are your options stairs tiles designs for your home.

In terms of refinement and class, there is no better colour to be seen than black. As a result, it is among the most suitable stairs tiles designs for home. Stairs lined with sleek granite tiles provide an elegant touch for a modern look. A stylish, industrial effect is achieved with this technique at a little cost.

Decorate the stair riser with mosaic tiles that are unique and eye-catching. When laying modern tiles for stairs, it is not always necessary to pay close attention to the stair treads. Creating a striking style statement begins with the stair risers, which are equally significant. Selecting mosaic tiles with vibrant colours and intricate patterns for stair risers will give your steps a Mediterranean feel, and it will also save you money. This quickly pulls your stairway into sharp focus.

I have visited a lot of places around the world. Traveling is fun to me and its very interesting to me. Looking to learn more history about countries with their cultures trying new things around their culture their past because if you wanna look at the future of somthing look at the past. 

tiles mistri in rangunia
tiles mistri in rangunia

                                            OUR SERVICE

#TilesMistry Needed ❓If the job is perfect!

That too low wages!!

Buy from us in wholesale or below market price: Branded Tiles like RK, AK or Greatwall. (View Catalog and Select Design)

Call/Inbox today to get free quotation of exact price for your work or material, tiles, marble, granite.

#Your dream house is in sight: Tiles are not available. So for perfect finishing requires good quality tiles with skilled masons and suitable modern designs.

Wages are negotiable depending on the size of the job.

Tiles/Marble/Mosaic Fitting- (Wage per foot)


#wall_tiles=13.00 Rs

#Scalding_Tiles_Running_Fit = Rs.11.00

#Stair_Tiles_Fittings = Rs.17.00

#Stairs_scalding_fittings_running_fit=15.00 Rs

#wall_tiles_out = Rs.50


#Marble_Floor Finishing = Rs.40.00

#Marble_Floor_Finishing_Excluding = Rs.55.00

#Marble_scalding_fittings_running_fit = Rs.30.00

#Basin_Slab_Fitting = Rs.800.00

#Kitchen_Slab_Fittings = Rs.55.00

#Marble_Moulding_Single_Running_Fit = Rs.40.00

#Marble_moulding_double_running_fit = Rs.80.00

#Marble_Stair_Fittings = Rs.60.00

#Granite_Fittings=Tk 35.00

#Mosaic fittings = 35.00 rupees

#Chalman_Glass_Fitting=7.00 Rs

#Square_Slab=5.00 Rs

#Parking_tiles=14 Rs

#Glass_Block = Rs.35.00


Foreign - China, Malaysia, Italy, Turkey or Spain. Desi-▪️RAK▪️DBL▪️AKIJ▪️MIR▪️Fu-Wang▪️China-Bangla (CBC)▪️Buy Great Wall.

Each size of tiles has price variations according to different design codes and grades.

✅ Market price of RAK tiles-

Ceramic Wall Tiles (8”x12”) = Rs.42-45

Ceramic Wall Tiles (10”x13”) = Rs.55-63

Ceramic Wall Tiles (12”x18”) = Tk 58-64

Ceramic Wall Tiles (12”x20”) = Rs.61-67

Ceramic Wall Tiles (12”x24”) = Tk 77-85

Homogeneous Floor Tiles (12”x12) = Rs.59-71

Homogeneous Floor Tiles (16”x1) = Rs.67-86

Floor tiles (24”x24”) = Tk 90-130

✅ Market price of Great Wall Tiles-

Ceramic Wall Tiles (8”x12”) = Rs.37-41

Ceramic Wall Tiles (10”x16”) = Tk 48-53

Ceramic Wall Tiles (12”x20”) = Rs.60-68

Floor tiles (12”x12”) = Rs.54-60

Floor tiles (16”x16”) = Rs.64-69

✅ Market price of China tiles:

Floor tiles-

#Homogeneous_Mirror_Polish (24”x24”) = Tk 110-115

#Homogeneous_Crystal_Mirror Polish (24”x24”) = 115-125

#Homogeneous_Crystal (24”x24”) = Rs.130-150

#Forceline (24”x24”) = Tk 135-160

#Ceramic_(24”x24”) = 100-110 Tk

#Rustic = 200-280 Tk

Mirror (Wall/Bathroom/Kitchen) Tiles = Tk 150-190

Ceramic (Wall/Bathroom/Kitchen) Tiles = 280-300

Rustic (Spain) tiles = 280-600 Tk

✅ Market Price of Pavement Tiles:

Bottom tiles (12”x12”) = Rs.980-1180

Paver tiles (8”/9.2”x4”/3.2”x2”/1”) = 200-460

Architectural Wall Tiles (8”/9.5”x2.5”/2.75”x0.65”/0.65”) = Tk 175-350

Architectural Roof/Ceiling Tiles = Rs.280-2000

✅ Parking tiles (12”x12”) thickness 3/4 = Tk 30.

✅ Market price of marble:

Indian Normal = Tk 400-550/Sqft

Indian Heavy = Rs 650-800/Sqft

Italy = Tk 450-900/sqft,

Norway = Rs.750-950/sq.ft.

Turkish = 800-1050 Tk/sqft.

Pakistan = Tk 1500-1750/sqft

✅ Market price of granite:

Indian Normal = 600-750 Tk/sq.ft.

Indian Heavy = 1050-1350 Tk/sq.ft

China = 900-1050 Tk/sq.ft.

Italy = Tk 950-1250/sqft,

Norway = Tk 1550-1750/sqft.

Market price of mosaic grains:

Indian = Tk 550-800/bag,

Pakistan = 850-1300 taka/bag,


#Tiles adhesive = 320-650 taka/25kg bag

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